Bonnie Kellert Piano Studio
Student Accolades / Awards

Bonnie with her piano students
Over the many years of my teaching career, my students have won prestigious awards and prizes. Here are some of the more recent examples:
Rising Talents
2019, Grand Prize, Danielle Carr (Performance in Columbia University)
2018, Grand Prize, Danielle Carr (Performance in Carnegie Weill Concert Hall, NYC)
2017, Grand Prize, Danielle Carr (Performance at Manhattan School of Music)
Steinway Washington Piano Competition
2017, 2nd Prize, Danielle Carr
Young Musicians Inspiring Change (YMIC)
2017, 1st Prize, Danielle Carr (Intermediate Level)
2017, 1st Prize, Teddi Yoo (Senior Level)
2017, 3rd Prize, Samantha Ye (Intermediate Level)
2017, Rachel Cheung, HM (Intermediate Level)
Kosciusko Foundation Youth Piano Competition in Washington, DC
Winner, Danielle Carr
Concert Artists International Virtuoso Competition
2019, Teddi Yoo, 1st Prize (Performance Carnegie Weill Recital Hall, NYC)
Fanny Ross High School Piano Scholarship Award
Sponsored by The Friday Morning Music Club, Inc.
2019, 3rd Prize, Teddi Yoo
Events Sponsored by Washington Music Teachers Association:
Tselentis Bach Competition for Piano
2019, 1st Prize, (Senior Division) Teddi Yoo
Young Composers Competition
2020, 1st Prize (Elementary Division) Livia Chen
2015, 1st Prize (Elementary Division) Emily Wu
1992, 1st Prize, (Senior Division) Thomas Frank
Viola Hartman Piano Performance Award
2018, 1st Prize, Danielle Carr
2018, 2nd Prize, Samantha Ye
2017, 1st Prize, Teddi Yoo, Group 15 B
2017, 3rd Prize, Ryan Qi, Group 11 B
2014, 2nd Prize, Teddi Yoo, Group 12 B
2014, 2nd Prize, Hannah Zhang, Group 9 B
2014, H.M., Christine Gong, Group 12 C
2014, H.M., Emily Wu, Group 10 B
2014, H.M., Laura Yao, Group 11 A
2013, 1st Prize, Hanna Lee, Group 10
2013, 1st Prize, Ian Yu, Group 9 B
2013, 2nd Prize, Andrew Zhang, Group 11 B
2013, 3rd Prize, Michelle Zheng, Group 11 A
2013, 3rd Prize, Hannahlise Wang, Group 9A
Haydn Sonata Awards for Pianists
2019, 1st Prize, (Senior Division) Teddi Yoo (Inaugural year)
Lichtenberg Piano Scholarship Competition
2019, Honorable Mention, Teddi Yoo
Hungarian Music Piano Festival (Cash Awards & Performance - Hungarian Embassy)
2020, 2nd Prize, (Senior Division) Danielle Carr
2020, 3rd Prize, (Elementary Division) Dimo Zhu
Modern Piano Music Celebration
2019, Honorable Mention (Elementary Division) Livia Chen
2017, 2nd Prize, (Level 4) Christine Gong (Inaugural year)
2017, Honorable Mention (Level 1) Livia Chen
Sponsor: Maryland State Music Teachers Association
Miriam Gottlieb Memorial Piano Competition
2017, 1st Prize, Teddi Yoo
2016, 2nd Prize, Alice Zhang
2007, 1st Prize, Emily Chen
E. R. Davis Piano Competition
2019, 1st Prize, Teddi Yoo (11th -12th grades)
2016, 1st Prize, Teddi Yoo (9th-10th grades)
2008, 2nd Prize, Emily Chen (11th -12th grades)
2008, 4th Prize, Alex Bae, (9th-10th grades)
Gertrude Brown Piano Concerto Competition (Performance with Orchestra)
2013, 1st Prize, Teddi Yoo
2000, 1st Prize, Bridget Wood
1995, 1st Prize, Lillian Wong
Doris Chase Piano Sonata Award
2019, 1st Prize, Teddi Yoo
2007, 2nd Prize, Emily Chen
2002, 2nd Prize, Melody Chen
2000, 1st Prize, Neena Satija
Spring Piano Solo Festival
2019, 2nd Prize, Samantha Ye
2019, 2nd Prize, Rachel Cheung
2019, 2nd Prize, Samantha Ye
2019, 3rd Prize, Allison Cheung
2019, 3rd Prize, Hali Duong
2018, 1st Prize, Danielle Carr
2018, 2nd Prize, Samantha Ye
2018, 3rd Prize, Christine Gong
2017, 2nd Prize, Samantha Ye
2017, 2nd Prize, Rachel Cheung
2017, 2nd Prize, Christine Gong
2017, 2nd Prize, Ryan Qi
2017, 2nd Prize, Laura Yao
2017, 3rd Prize, Danielle Carr
2016, 2nd Prize, Alice Zhang
2016, 3rd Prize, Rachel Cheung
2016, 3rd Prize, Emma Ta-Zhou
2015, 1st Prize, Christine Gong
2015, 2nd Prize, Rachel Cheung
2015, 3rd Prize, Alice Zhang
2014, 1st Prize, Ian Yu
2014, 1st Prize, Andrew Zhang
2014, 2nd Prize, Laura Yao
2014, 2nd Prize, Hanna Wang
2014, 2nd Prize, Teddi Yoo
2013, 1st Prize, Teddi Yoo
2013, 2nd Prize, Hanna Kim
2013, 1st Prize, Clare Zhang
2013, 1st Prize, Andrew Zhang
2012, 1st Prize, Andrew Zhang
2013, 1st Prize, Teddi Yoo
2013, 1st Prize, Tiger Zhang
Spring Piano Ensemble Festival
2019, 1st Prize, Christine Gong & Ian Yu
2018, 1st Prize, Christine Gong & Ian Yu
2018, 2nd Prize, Emma Ta-Zhou & Olivia Wu
2017, 2nd Prize, Christine Gong & Ian Yu
2017. 3rd Prize, Emma Ta-Zhou & Olivia Wu
2016, 1st Prize, Christine Gong & Ian Yu
2015, 2nd Prize, Christine Gong & Ian Yu
2014, 1st Prize, Christine Gong & Ian Yu
2014, 1st Prize, Teddo Yoo & Andrew Zhang

Emma Ta-Zhou with Her Award
Chamber Music Competition
2013, 1st Prize, Teddi Yoo & Andrew Zhang (Pre-High School Division)
2013, HM, Jason Choi & Judy Choi (Elementary Division)
2012, 2nd Prize, Marella Ma & Alice Zhang (Elementary Division)
Senior Distinguished Musicianship Award
2020, Christine Gong
2020, Laura Yao
2020, Clare Zhang
2019, Teddi Yoo
2018, Alice Zhang
2018, Tony Zhu

Clare Zhang with Her Award
Junior Distinguished Musicianship Award
2020, Samantha Ye
2018, Rachel Cheung
2016, Christine Gong
2016, Laura Yao
2016, Clare Zhang
2014, Alice Zhang
2012, Amy Chen
2012, Jason Choi
2012, Tiger Zhang

Rachel Cheung with Her Award
Intermediate Theory Award
2020, Samantha Ye
2019, Rachel Cheung
2017, Christine Gong
2017, Clare Zhang
2017, Laura Yao
2017, Alice Zhang
2017, Teddi Yoo
Intermediate Keyboard Musicianship Honors
2020, Samantha Ye
2012, Amy Chen
2012, Jason Choi
2012, Judy Choi
2012, Tiger Zhang
Keyboard Musicianship Award
2020, Eunia Zhong

Eunia Zhong with Her Award
Sponsor: Montgomery County Music Teachers Association
Swarthout-Hayes Piano Scholarship Competition
2018, 2nd Prize, Teddi Yoo
2005, 2nd Prize, Catherine Liow
2004, 2nd Prize, Catherine Liow
Judged Recital - Honors
2020, Samantha Ye
2019, Rachel Cheung
Ensemble Recital - Honors
2019, Emma Ta-Zhou & Olivia Wu
2019, Rachel Cheung & Samantha Ye
2019, Christine Gong & Ian Yu
2018, Laura Yao & Clare Zhang
2018, Emma Ta-Zhou & Olivia Wu
2018, Christine Gong & Ian Yu
Piano Concerto Competition (Performance with Orchestra)
2000, 1st Prize, Lillian Wong
Senior Scholarship Essay Award
2019, Teddi Yoo
Senior High School Piano Award
2020, Christine Gong
2020, Clare Zhang
2020, Laura Yao
2019, Teddi Yoo
2018, Alice Zhang
2018, Tony Zhu
2015, Hanna Kim

Christine Gong's trophy
Performances for Master Classes
MTNA 2002 National Convention, Wash. DC -
Master Class with Leon Bates
Joanne Chu
Jeffrey Chu
Margaret Xu
Mable Xu
MSMTA 2004 Convention -
Master Class with Ernest Ragogini
Neena Satija
MSMTA 2010 Convention -
Master Class with Thomas Mastroianni
Ian Yu
Sponsored by The National Philharmonic -
Master Class with Brian Ganz
Neena Satija
Sponsored by Levine School of Music -
Master Class with Marvin Blickenstaff
Mari Uehara
Sponsored by Levine School of Music -
Master Class with Maurice Hinson
Mari Uehara

Bonnie with Tom Mastroianni (Faculty, Catholic University of America), & Ian Yu (student)
Comments About My Students from Competition / Event Judges
Here is a sampling of comments about my students from judges at various events. They confirm each student’s hard work to achieve technical security and meticulous attention to details, especially articulation and a wide dynamic range. They testify to the listening skills students have developed to produce a lovely tone, especially in new surroundings and adjusting to a different piano. They speak of performances demonstrating stylistic qualities of a composer and evoking the character of the piece. They acknowledge stage presence and an ability to tell a story with the music, special qualities nurtured within each student.
Emily Chen: (Gottlieb, 2008) Your sensitivity and musicality came through… You are very talented and your love of playing shows.
Alice Zhang: (ER Davis, 2008,) You created a very beautiful tone out of the piano … You are very sensitive… Your performance was very musical.
Emily Wu (Gottlieb 2014) Haydn – You play beautifully poised and with excellent concentration. Bach – Beautiful details… Kabalevsky – You played with such confidence and energy!
Teddi Yoo: (ER Davis, 2016) Sensitive, expressive performance of the Bach…Mozart - Elegant playing… (Hartman, 2017) Ballade – You have amazing technique…I can hear you telling a story… You showed a very diverse quality of sound – Beautiful! (Gottlieb, 2019) Haydn – Excellent tempo and character. Energetic and fun to listen to. (Gottlieb, 2014) Very talented girl… Great potential.
Ian Yu: Gottlieb, 2014) Bach – You create a lovely tone & sound … Effective use of pedal. You are a fine pianist.
Olivia Wu: (Solo Festival, 2018) Clementi – Very musical! I appreciate your nuances and range of dynamics. Nice rounded phrases. Bartok – Excellent! Deep singing tone... Perfect choice of speed.
Allison Cheung (Solo Festival, 2019) Kabalevsky – Beautiful sound. Nice phrasing (flexibility). Excellent balance, conversation. (Solo Festival, 2018) Promenade – You certainly have the flavor of Shostakovich!
Nia George: (Hartman, 2019) Bach: I like your musicianship a lot… You play this piece with good attention to balance & nicely shaped phrases.
Hannah Wang (Gottlieb, 2014) Kabalevsky – What a lovely work you played with such delicate and beautiful phrasing…
Danielle Carr (Hartman, 2019) Very musical and expressive Chopin... Good rubato and feeling. (Gottlieb, 2017) Chopin: Began very expressively with beautifully shaping and pedal…
Rachel Cheung (Hartman, 2017) Chopin very stylish…(Hartman, 2015) Debussy - Very solid and well prepared performance. (Gottlieb, 2019) Grieg: You have a good sense of phrasing. Haydn – Spirited performance... Good musical performance overall! (Gottlieb, 2017) Haydn lovely & thoughtful phrasing throughout.
Laura Yao: (Hartman, 2014) You have lots of potential. Kuhlau- great energy, exciting! Your technique is great!
Christine Gong (Hartman, 2015) Bach- An accurate, studied performance with carefully practiced articulation… Love your very clear, intentional & varied articulation. Kuhlau: Beautiful, sensitive, very refined. Rubato is perfect! Fabulous! (Hartman, 2014) Kuhlau: I love the singing tone in BOTH hands. The 16ths are very exciting – You have a nice feel for Classical style. Chopin: You use the pedal extremely well – Not easy in Chopin Waltzes. Very well prepared, confident performance… Very musical performance!
Samantha Ye: (Solo Festival, 2018) Kuhlau – Very thoughtful performance…Beautiful tone quality and lovely phrasing… Excellent dramatic contrasts. Debussy… Loved the energy and excitement that you were able to bring out so well. Excellent use of rubato… Wonderful performance!